Friday, July 31, 2009
Further Thoughts on Persona 3: Robot Girls
3:19 AM

I just watched my sister finish Persona 3, and it reminded me of a bunch of stuff about the game...namely some stupid crap that really annoys me about it. My sister was quite annoyed as well.

You see...Persona, and I guess all the Shin Megami Tensei games are very...Japanese...and very NERDY. So's a game made specifically to appeal to Japanese nerds and Japanophiles (weeaboos, if you like using that term). Now, don't get me wrong, I like some Japanese stuff, and I'm totally a nerd, but damn it, ROBOT GIRLS DO NOT INTEREST ME.

Persona 3 especially seems to cater to the nerdy, socially-awkward type. Obviously, there are the social links, which try to "simulate" socializing with people as you would in real life. But, of course, all the girls you socialize with fall in love with you, which doesn't happen in real life (unless you're totally me >_>). And of course, all these girls fall into some weird category of some nerdy "fantasy." There's the awkwardly shy girl with glasses. There's the popular hot girl. There's the popular, hot, and smart girl. There's the hot teacher (yes, your teacher in the game falls in love with you). There's the athletic girl. There's the little girl whose parents are getting a divorce (I guess some people are into that). And then there's a stupid ROBOT GIRL. All these people fall in love with you for some reason...obviously to cater to the target audience's interest, or whatever. It's kinda creepy, and a little unsettling, y'know?

But mainly, I'm pissed about the robot girl: Aigis. She's a stupid robot. And I love robots, so you know it's bad when I think a robot is stupid. Robots don't have emotions! Why does she fall in love with you? Why did the writers feel they needed to make her such an important character? She's freaking annoying as hell.

One big thing that bothers me about her is her design. She's a robot...who is modeled as a female...and wears some big stupid bow. What kind of design for a robot is that? That's dumb, just like the stupid Terminatrix from the third Terminator movie. Robots should be cool-looking. They attempted to make Aigis "cute", but they failed to do that in my eyes. Okay, she looks alright in her school uniform, but still, she's a dumb robot. With a boring personality. Maybe if she were like a jerk, like Bender of Futurama, she'd be more interesting. Instead it's, "I want to protect you. <3 <3 <3 <3." It's like if the Terminator fell in love with John Connor. Ew.

The writers give her the spotlight all the freaking time, as if I'm supposed to fall in love with her as well. No chance in hell. It infuriates me even more in The Answer, the expansion to Persona 3. You actually have to PLAY as Aigis! And what's worse, they create a NEW robot girl character, her sister Metis, who is probably even more annoying. Metis doesn't even talk like a robot (which is explained by the plot, but it's still annoying). Again, the designers felt the need to try and make Metis "attractive", making it look like she's wearing some weird leotard, giving prominence to her boobs (why do robots need boobs?), and some dumb-looking face mask. I guess they tried to make the robot girls look "cool" as they added some stupid armor to Aigis in The Answer as well. BAH. You wanna a cool robot girl, look no further than Samus Aran...okay, she's not really a robot, but whatever.

I used Aigis once in Persona 3, then quickly disposed of her when I heard her dumb battle quotes. SHE DOESN'T EVEN SHOOT HERSELF IN THE HEAD EVOKE HER PERSONA. That's SUPER lame.

It's just dumb that they felt the need to create this stupid "female" character, when there are much better girl characters in Mitsuru and Yukari. Fuuka can go to hell, though.

Despite all I say, Aigis is a very popular character among Persona fans. BOO. I find her very uninteresting and dumb.

Now Junpei and Akihiko...those characters are GREAT, and it's a shame you cannot create social links with them. I surely have more love for these male characters over dumb robot girls.

If you like robot girls, I'm sorry if I offended you. I'm even more sorry if you're actually a robot girl. But if you are a robot girl, and you're hot, look me up. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said:
One big thing that bothers me about her is her design.

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Blogger Unknown said:
I think the game does a good job of creating some really likable characters.
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