- From Keith:
- Cool T-shirt with a thing on it
- Eve (Wall-E) Figure
- From Caitlin:
- Fat (or should I say "phat") sheep plushy thing
- From Jessica:
- From The Temporals:
- $20
- From The Rian's (is that how you spell it?):
- $10
- From my Auntie Nancy:
- $30, cleverly hidden in a cologne box! Very creative, and it actually fooled me.
- From The Tacuyans
- A jacket I probably won't wear (sorry, but I already have enough jackets :( )
- From that other Filipino family with the two kids named Michael and Nicole (sorry, I don't know their last names):
- A long-sleeve shirt that I might wear
- An Xbox 360 Quick Charge Kit
What am I gonna spend this 60 dollars on?