Ughh...are you serious? VINCENT VALENTINE IS STILL A POPULAR CHARACTER?! How the hell did some bonus character that happens to be a lame-ass generic vampire character gain so popularity. I mean, in the game he debuted in, he wasn't even important enough to be featured in the ending of the game. You gotta know a character really sucks if he uses guns and I STILL hate him. Also, his shoes piss me off.
And Falco? He was only slightly cool in Star Fox 64, and then, he was a jerk (and not a cool jerk like House). He's not even important enough to have his own real move-set in the Smash Bros. games.
Wanderer? ...Eh, I didn't get very far in Shadow of the Colossus, but he's losing anyway.
GlaDOS? HELL YEAH. She's awesome. But I guess the Square fanboys and the Nintendo fanboys never played Portal 'cause back then the 360 wasn't known as the RPG console, the PS3 version sucked, the PC isn't known for its JRPGs, and its not the Wii. Okay, perhaps such a statement is unwarranted...but still...