Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Internet fails me again
12:16 PM

Ughh...are you serious? VINCENT VALENTINE IS STILL A POPULAR CHARACTER?! How the hell did some bonus character that happens to be a lame-ass generic vampire character gain so popularity. I mean, in the game he debuted in, he wasn't even important enough to be featured in the ending of the game. You gotta know a character really sucks if he uses guns and I STILL hate him. Also, his shoes piss me off.

And Falco? He was only slightly cool in Star Fox 64, and then, he was a jerk (and not a cool jerk like House). He's not even important enough to have his own real move-set in the Smash Bros. games.

Wanderer? ...Eh, I didn't get very far in Shadow of the Colossus, but he's losing anyway.

GlaDOS? HELL YEAH. She's awesome. But I guess the Square fanboys and the Nintendo fanboys never played Portal 'cause back then the 360 wasn't known as the RPG console, the PS3 version sucked, the PC isn't known for its JRPGs, and its not the Wii. Okay, perhaps such a statement is unwarranted...but still...

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Microsoft rewards only took a year.
10:44 PM

Remember that Live Search Club thing? It was that Microsoft site where you could play online games for prizes, and in the beginning, people found ways to cheat, and I was one of those people. That was one year ago.

I ordered PGR 3 and Kameo and I got those earlier this year, and I thought that was the last of the prizes, as the controllers had been taken out of the prize store. So I used my leftover points to order some headsets or something. Then I later moved away to go to college.

Today, I'm visiting home, and I find two UPS packages addressed to me in the garage. I open them, expecting them to be the headsets, but they turned out to be two wireless 360 controllers! And they even come with those wireless adapters to use on a PC!

Now I wonder when my headsets will show up...

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Silent Hill 5 Looks Awesome
7:42 PM

So many people are bitching about Silent Hill 5 for various reasons. One, is that it's made by an American company this time. Two, it's more action-based. Three, it has Pyramid Head. I see all these things as GOOD things.

One, we all know my stance on Japanese developers vs. Western developers. But this works even better for Silent Hill, at least I hope so. Silent Hill games are scary...but the dialogue and voice acting ruins that at times. Perhaps the American dudes can write some better dialogue and get some decent voice actors, since they speak English as a native language.

Two, I like action games. People always bitch about how Resident Evil isn't scary now that the game has good controls and gameplay. That's a load of crap. It's still scary, and it's MORE fun. I think it should say a lot if a game doesn't have to rely on crappy camera angles and unintuitive combat controls to be scary. We'll see if Silent Hill 5 delivers on that, but the videos make it look pretty awesome.

Three, Pyramid Head is awesome. "But he's supposed to represent James's blah blah blah." Shut up. There were pictures of Pyramid Head in the prison in Silent Hill 2. Pyramid Head is obviously a part of Silent Hill's history, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to appear in every Silent Hill (and Track & Field) game ever.

Four, the game looks awesome.

J.R. joins the 10,000 Point Club
7:33 PM

Thursday, September 04, 2008
It Ran to the Hills
11:55 PM

Well, the option to export Rock Band 1 disc songs for Rock Band 2 use is now available. For a reasonable 5-dollar fee, you can transfer 55 songs from your disc to your hard drive, then later delete any ones you don't want. I'll probably keep them all.

Unfortunately, there are a few songs that could not be relicensed. Those songs were Paranoid, Enter Sandman, and Run to the Hills. All I have to say is, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I loved singing Run to the Hills...but, then again, whenever I played the song with a group, one of the other band members would fail. But Rock Band 2 has a "no fail" mode! Maybe they'll add the song back in as a DLC master track, as it was a cover in Rock Band.

Enter Sandman will also be missed.

I did not like Paranoid.
Monday, September 01, 2008
R.I.P. Don LaFontaine
11:44 PM

Even if you didn't know his name, you knew him. You've seen the movie trailers...You know, "In a world..." Well, he's dead now. =[

In memory, I'll embed the video that made this man awesome to me.

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