So many people are bitching about Silent Hill 5 for various reasons. One, is that it's made by an American company this time. Two, it's more action-based. Three, it has Pyramid Head. I see all these things as GOOD things.
One, we all know my stance on Japanese developers vs. Western developers. But this works even better for Silent Hill, at least I hope so. Silent Hill games are scary...but the dialogue and voice acting ruins that at times. Perhaps the American dudes can write some better dialogue and get some decent voice actors, since they speak English as a native language.
Two, I like action games. People always bitch about how Resident Evil isn't scary now that the game has good controls and gameplay. That's a load of crap. It's still scary, and it's MORE fun. I think it should say a lot if a game doesn't have to rely on crappy camera angles and unintuitive combat controls to be scary. We'll see if Silent Hill 5 delivers on that, but the videos make it look pretty awesome.
Three, Pyramid Head is awesome. "But he's supposed to represent James's blah blah blah." Shut up. There were pictures of Pyramid Head in the prison in Silent Hill 2. Pyramid Head is obviously a part of Silent Hill's history, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to appear in every Silent Hill (and Track & Field) game ever.
Four, the game looks awesome.