If you're not playing the game however, you're about to start!
- To know The Game is to play The Game. You can never stop playing and you can never win.
- To think of The Game is to lose The Game. You must announce your loss out loud by saying "The Game", "I lose" or other variants.
- Not announcing that you lost the game is considered cheating. You're not a cheater now are you?
- If someone asks you what The Game is, you are required to tell them the rules.*
- After losing the game, you have a grace period of X number of minutes (variable) to clear your mind of The Game and focus elsewhere. After then, you are in play once more. This is an optional rule to keep people from losing constantly and having to announce the fact constantly.**
J.R.'s Notes
* I'm always courteous enough to warn you that you have to play once I tell you, so I usually give you the choice to know the rules or remain ignorant of them. But since you're already reading this, you're already playing, so tough luck. :P
** This is how my group plays The Game. The number of minutes is 10, and immunity is granted to all those who hear your announcement of loss. Yeah, some people like to play without immunity, but whatever. I like it better this way.