Sorry, I couldn't think of a witty title.
Anyway, I rented Assassin's Creed for the 360 today, and I've been playing it for the past 4 hours. Man, this game is pretty fun. The presentation is great. The animation really is fluid! The graphics are good, of course. Glitches...yeah, it has glitches. Within the first hour, I got stuck on a cliff and couldn't move and had to reset the console. The AI is hilariously stupid, too. You can "stealth assassinate" a guard 10 feet in front of another guard, and that other guard won't notice it. He'll see you walking away from the body, towards him, and he'll say, "WHO DID THIS!?" Then BAM, you assassinate him, too. Still, it's great fun.
'course, I'm only on the third city...I can see this game getting repetitive, though. Still, it's fun right now.
The plot? I haven't been paying attention to the plot. Whenever there's some dialogue, I don't listen. But you can't skip cutscenes in this game, and it sucks. Like, if you fail a mini-mission, and you retry it, you have to wait for the guy to give you the instructions again in order to start the mission again. UGH, so annoying. So I'm not really sure what the storyline is. Who cares? I just like jumping around and killing guards.