There are a couple of annoyances I have with the game, and it's not just "it's repetitive." That's a given. The things that piss me off about the game are:
- Informant Missions: Informant missions consist of either collecting flags or doing stealth assassinations. Collecting flags is fine, and kinda fun. Stealth assassinations might be fun..if it weren't for the fact that the streets are littered with beggars that follow you when they see you, getting in your way. And the worst offenders are the crazy/drunk people in the streets that go out of their way to push you, and usually they push you as you're running away from an assassination, causing the guards to notice you. Sometimes they'll even push you into a guard before you've done anything and then suddenly you have a million guards on your tail...And when you fail these missions...
- You can't skip cutscenes: This includes introductions (instructions) to missions. So if you fail a mission (like the above informant ones), when you attempt to retry it, you HAVE to listen to the explanation again. SO ANNOYING. This will probably be an even bigger annoyance if I get a chance to replay previous chapters, since you won't be able to skip the long boring dialogue that you've already heard before.
- There are TOO MANY GUARDS: During the beginning of the game, combat is fine. Once you get used to it, getting into fights is kinda fun. But during those times, you're only fending off like a max of 4 guards and once, and after that, you're done. Later in the game, though, the game throws HUNDREDS of guards at you. You don't fight them all at once, but whenever you kill a guard in a group, another guard shows up to replace the one you killed. It seems like there's an INFINITE number of guards sometimes. And after you're finally done killing them, the floor is littered with loads of dead bodies...then another guard walks buy, and sees the dead body, then he attacks you, starting the process all over again.
- Assassin's can't swim: For some reason, Altair, a highly-skilled assassin that can jump free-run like a pro, CANNOT SWIM. Touching a large body of water will instantly kill him. Now, there's not really a lot of water in the game, but at one point in a dock area, I died MULTIPLE times because of Altair jumping in the stupid water as he was jumping from boat to boat. What made this worse was that guards were chasing me for some reason...I'm not even sure why they were chasing me, 'cause I actually hadn't done anything beforehand! Luckily, guards can't swim either, so throwing them to a watery grave was easy...just as easy as accidentally joining them for a swim.