1up.comOkay, WTF? This feature isn't even in Halo 3, and it pisses me off that I have to play a bunch of lame-ass games that matchmaking makes me play. I want a 16-player free-for-all Slayer, damn it! I don't wanna play the same damn maps over and over in matchmaking (seriously, I played on this one map 3 or 4 times in a row). No more random "Swords only" matches! >=[
Also, Halo 3 has the same VGA display problems on a 1280 x 1024 5:4 monitor that Gears of War, WTF? Why is it that all these highly-anticipated games always have these small, but very annoying problems? Games like Dead Rising and Crackdown didn't have this problem. These games weren't super popular and highly-acclaimed, yet they could render an the game at 1280 x 720 and letterbox the image on a 1280 x 1024 monitor! But "GOTY material" games like Gears of War, Oblivion, and Crackdown don't support my monitor like they should (well, Gears EVENTUALLY did, after several months of waiting for a patch). This is pissing me off.