Lair has been getting really shizzy reviews...which means it must be a shizzy game, right? But some people swear that they love the game and the controls work just fine. I'm a little confused here. Are these people just fanboys? I thought so, until I read this topic.
This guy is basically saying that the controls suck because Lair was meant to work with a bluetooth firmware update on the PS3, but the update wasn't available at the time for reviewers. So the controls ended up being crap or something. But this guy has no proof, and would they really overlook a huge problem like that (then again, would they release a game with crappy controls like that? :P). Also, if this really happened, it'd be all over the Internet by now, but it's just on some GameFAQs board. But yeah, I don't know what to believe here.
This is one of those times I wish I had a PS3. I want to play Lair. Not because I hear it's good, but because I hear it's really bad! I wanna know how bad it really is...'cause Gamespot gave Bomberman 64 a 4.6, and I love that game. :P
So...why don't any of my friends own a damn PS3!? Oh right, 'cause Sony sucks...but still! I need to know how much they suck without purchasing a PS3!