'kay, I just finished Halo 2's single player campaign, and I can say for sure that it is a WHOLE lot better than Halo 1's. Some areas still repeat over and over, but at least these areas are prettier, and there's new stuff and weapons to pick up in each area. So it's cool.
So anyways, there's not much else to say about Halo 2, since it's essentially more of the same from Halo 1, but better. But let's get on to the story, the main reason I played through the game. SPOILERS, if you haven't guessed that by now.
So...the ending...hmm...yeah, I heard people say it sucked, and yeah, it pretty much did, but with Halo 3 right around the corner, I don't have much to worry about. ^-^ But the last boss fight was just so...stupid and glitchy. When I killed the boss, I didn't even know he died...I don't think even think I killed him. I was thrown to another area of the level, and the boss, off screen, somehow died, because the end cutscene started playing. WTF? Also, sometimes the boss would get stuck somewhere, and wouldn't move, and there was no way for me to kill him 'cause he had a shield. >< So stupid.
Funny, after I beat the game, no credits were shown. Probably a glitch having to do with me playing this game on XP or something. Whatever. 'kay, I think I'm ready for Halo 3 now.
Oh, a score? Uhh...7/10 for the single player campaign, I guess.