Okay, you guys all know of the Nintendo news blog GoNintendo, right? Well, every weekend, they choose some reader-made banner for their site. I've made a couple (2, actually), but none of them have been chosen.
Usually they choose a banner that has to do with a game that recently comes out. So with MySims for the Wii coming out (or already out...I dunno), I decided to make a banner for it two weeks ago. I created this:
Looks good, huh? I looked at all the banners that had been submitted through the forum, and mine looked much better than the others.
So, today's the weekend. Guess what game they picked for the banner. MySims! But guess whose banner is up at the top! ....not mine. >=[ Check it out:
Ick...I'm not particularly fond of it. In fact, I think it's pretty ugly. I mean, that looks nothing like the MySims font! At least mine tries its hardest to emulate it without having the font. Now, there are two reasons why they probably chose this entry instead of mine: 1) It's in Flash. 2) He sent it in 2 months ago.
I'm not gonna start making Flash banners. I think Flash banners are annoying and unnecessary. All he did was make the diamond change colors and move around. I don't think they even do that in Sims games unless the Sims are having sex! I guess the logo is having sex.
I guess I better start working on my Duke Nukem Forever banner. I'm gonna have to make them 2 months ahead of time. =[