As some of you may know, I got into the Call of Duty 4 multiplayer beta. When they held the first lottery, before public release, I won an invite! ...but I didn't really start playing it until after the beta went open to the public (you still need an invite, though, but they might be easier to obtain now. I dunno).
Anyway, I started out sucking really really bad. The game rewards you for being good at the game, so it pissed me off at first, 'cause newbies get owned all the time, as higher-ranked players get new weapons, attachments, and perks. But now I'm on a bit of a more even level with other players, so I'm not doing THAT bad (usually). I'm usually in the middle of lists at the end of the game...sometimes I'm at the bottom. Rarely, I'm at the top...but watch this video of me playing to see how well I did this time. :D