I thought it'd be an awesome game, 'cause IGN gave it an 8.5. But I was like, "I'll wait for the Gamespot review to confirm..." But then the game came out, and Gamespot still didn't have a damn review. So two or so days later, still no review, I'm like, "Gah, I'm just gonna buy it!"
So I buy it, play it, have fun. Then I look on the Interwebs...Gamespot has a review up! 5.8. Wait, WTF? That's like...the opposite of what IGN said.
So I'm almost regretting my purchase, as I think my money (or rather, my mom's money) might've been better spent on The Godfather or Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, 'cause I'm thinking that the score difference between IGN and Gamespot with those games wouldn't be so...large.
...or maybe I should've got Big Brain Academy. ><
Oh well. I'll finish Scarface, then trade it in when I'm done. The game is pretty fun. The framerate is awesome and smooth, which is something I'm not really used to when it comes to Wii games (Remember, I used to have Elebits ^-^;). A few graphical glitches here and there, and Tony's taunts can be delayed, but the controls are awesome, especially when aiming. Wii waggle in the chainsaw and melee attacks makes me sad, though. I guess that's where The Godfather wins out. But, eh, the game is good and violent. And I guess I have to watch the Scarface movie now, especially since everytime I boot up the game, a movie preview shows up, even before the developer and publisher screens.