Ugh...GoNintendo is a great site and all, but their podcasts are really boring to listen to. They do lots of crap, but the sound quality is crap and they really don't say much that's interesting or new. Plus, the fact that I know more about stuff than them (like the PS2 already has an official wireless Guitar Hero controller) just makes me want to yell at them for being so ill-informed.
I think I should take Dillon up on the offer to do our own podcasts, 'cause we are so much more awesome than GoNintendo, as far as podcast potential goes. So let's all get together and talk about video games and have people listen to and make fun of us. I can complain about how Liberi Fatali should be more popular than One Winged Angel, and talk about how Super Smash Bros. Brawl deserves less hype than Metroid Prime 3, and how fanboys are suck. YAY, let's do it.