Samuel L. Jackson FTW.
Anyway, this...was a nice movie. I liked it. Some people were disappointed 'cause it didn't turn out to be a slasher flick, or it didn't have enough "jump" scares, or something stupid like that. This movie isn't really a "horror" movie. It is a "thriller." I enjoy thrillers.
The movie reminded me a lot of Silent Hill 4 (duh) and Eternal Darkness. Weird, crazy stuff happens to the main character, like the sanity effects in Eternal Darkness. I'm not really sure how to describe this movie. It's not amazing, like some people are saying, but it's very refreshing and an entertaining movie. I really don't have much else to say (except the previews were stupid and included scenes that weren't actually in the movie).
I give this movie a 1408 out of 13.
Also, the audience was stupid throughout the movie. They laughed at the funny parts (which admittedly, there are quite a few of those) and the not funny parts. And also, apparently whenever a loud-ass rap ring tone goes off, people like to listen to it for a while before turning it off or answering it -_-.