Ugh. I hate fanboys. Many people have suggested the awesome idea of a Zelda MMORPG. The fanboys, of course, called it stupid, said it would "ruin" the series, say it wouldn't work, blah blah. The fact is, these idiots are just narrow-minded and...well...FANBOYS.
I think a Zelda MMORPG would be awesome. It'd be able to explain and expand upon the mythos of Hyrule. The lore is certainly there for a Zelda game. The races are there, too. The setting is there. You just need a game to go with it.
I'd think a Zelda MMORPG would be set during the "great war" that was talked about in Ocarina of Time. It'd take place in Hyrule, and probably surrounding kingdoms even. We've never seen many lands beyond Hyrule (aside from the parallel dimension that is Termina).
Of course, we'd be able to visit familiar faces and locales from Ocarina of Time. We'd learn more about the history of Hyrule itself (rather than, "OMG TEH GODDESSES MADE TEH TRIFORCE AND PUT A BUNCH OR ROCKS TOGETHER TO MAKE HYRULE!"). Seriously, this game could really make an EPIC Zelda game.
Of course, fanboys would say stupid crap like, "OMG THERE WILL BE A MILLION LINKS RUNNING AROUND." Obviously, these kids haven't played an MMORPG. Does Final Fantasy XI have a million Clouds and Sephiroths running around? No. I'm willing to bet that most of the Zelda MMORPG naysayers don't know what an MMORPG is in the first place.
So, you wouldn't play as Link, obviously, but rather denizens of Hyrule. You could choose from various races: Hylian, Gerudo, Goron, Zora, Deku, Kokiri... there are probably more. Classes would include the usual stuff: a warrior type class, a healer type class, a mage class, and some specialized stuff, too. I'd say that Hylians would make good knights, Gerudos good assasins, Gorons...well, whatever class a Tank would be. It'd be neat. We'd learn more about the races from actually playing as them, rather than viewing them from Link's perspective ('cause that mofo hasn't even been born yet).
Some loser was like, "Well, it wouldn't be a Zelda game without puzzles!" I know. It'd be IMPOSSIBLE for the developers to put puzzles and dungeons in the game. An MMORPG with dungeons? That doesn't make sense! Oh, wait...I'm being sarcastic. Of course there'd be Zelda-style dungeons and puzzles. I'd imagine they'd be similar to Four Swords so you could team up with party members to complete dungeons. And there's nothing stopping the developers from implementing one-player only instances, to give it a "classic" Zelda feel. Sure, maybe the game would have to change from standard MMORPG mechanics to allow stuff like this, but I'm sure it's possible.
I dunno why I'm talking about all this. I guess I just really would like a Zelda MMORPG. A Zelda game of epic proportions. It'd totally pay a fee to play a game like this. It doesn't even have to be an RPG. Some kind of HUGE online Zelda game would be awesome. I'd also play a Pokémon MMORPG. No one complains about that idea, 'cause it seems like Pokémon fanboys are more mature than Zelda fanboys...'sup with that?