It's even the Collector's Edition, with a nice, but banged-up, metal case. Wooo!
After playing FFVI, I fell in love with Final Fantasy again. Before that, the last FF game I played was FFX a loooong time ago, back when I had that old crappy Emmerson TV with only an RF input.
I also managed to fix the "overscan" on my TV! I hated how my TV would always crop the image on the screen, and cut off vital parts of a video game. Like the health bars in a fighting game wouldn't entirely be on screen. The unison attack gauge in Tales of Symphonia didn't even show up when I played it! Now in FFXII, the bottom character in my party's Status Guages (HP and MP) were barely visible. I had had enough of this crap, so I went online and googled a bunch of terms that I thought would lead me to an answer. Eventually, something lead me to the service menu of my TV. I've always been wary of doing something with the service menu in a TV, 'cause I hear messing with it can mess up your TV. But I was desperate, and I figured if I messed up my TV, I'd tell my parents that it just broke all of a sudden and they'd buy me a new one. :P
But, I ended up messing with some settings, and now the cropping is gone. It's almost like a brand new TV! I still want an HDTV, but games look fine on this now, especially with S-Video input. Happy days.