I'm at some Internet Café in a mall in Iloilo right now. This place is silly. They don't have Unreal Tournament here. >=[ They don't even have Counter-Strike...which I wouldn't play anyway, but still. Actually, they do have CS, but a non-Steam version of it, so I can't play online...I suppose the main purpose for this is LAN games then...but no one else is playing. >=[
They don't even have Firefox...so I'm stuck using IE, not even IE7. No tabs = instant phail. But...yeah...at least I can get on the Interweb. So..uh...yeah...not much to say here. I had a few blog entries typed up on my Macbook, but I don't have it with me right now. How phail, right? Right.
Well, I've got 1 hour and 38 minutes left of Interweb time...this keyboard sucks.