first look at the picture

also macs dose not have 2 mouse buttons. you cant riteclick on a mac no matter wut u do! now you cant cut and paste on those things for easy web surfing.
also macs dont have any games. want to play sims? 2 bad. u have to get a windows comp. how 'bout unreal tournment? no way hosey. windows only. i here that some macs can run windows now. thats good. now mac losers can use the better operatin system.
alos macs have teh button on the left. wuts u wit that?
finally macs are liek ipods becuz they dont have as much ram. u actually have to download more into the megaurtz. on windows, the mega hurts is already downloaded 2 begin with. no hassle to make your computer run like a cat.
next there is no way to go in the internet on a mac. it dosnt have internet xplorer! how are u supposed to go to websites without that? u cant, thats what. so again. mac is stuck in the times. internet is the future of computers. how are u going to download ram without internet anyawy? see it doesnt even make sense.
there u have it. mac < windows