i decided that i m going to sell my wii and 360 in order 2 buy a playstatin 3
i have realized taht teh ps3 is the best nextgen console evar. y? becuz it has teh best gamez. it haz cool gamez like metal grea sold 4 and final fentesy 12. kingdom hurts 3 is also ps3 xclusive. also, devel may cry 4 will be ps3 exclusve as well. i also cant wait for the new zelda game on the ps3. it will be much better than teh zelda on teh wii, 'cause the ps3 will use the sixasix for superior controllers!!1
teh 360 id lame as well cuz it doesnt have as much grafix as ps3. the wii doesnt even come close cuz it only has rf cablez or somethin. i also tink that the wii is only good 2 play nintendo 64 game lol. n no it has les than 64 game cuz bungie is not making halo 4 it like they are for the ps3.
i m also going to sell my ds to get a psp. it has bettar pokemon gmaez.
nintendo and micro$ft are dumb. sony is best! winner!