Like usual, I'm not gonna go in-depth with this game. I'm just gonna talk about stuff I can remember to talk about. Mainly what I like and dislike about the game.
I enjoy the battle system. This is what I love about Mario RPGs. The battles are interactive, and have you actually more involved in the battles. This isn't one of those lame "pick an option from a menu and watch it happen" RPGs. This is one of those "pick an option from a menu, then pay attention, do the command at the right time, and get rewarded for your skill" RPGs. That's why I loved FFVIII so much. 'cause it was a PAOFAMTPADTCATRTAGRFYSRPG. My favorite kind of RPG!
But...I also hate the battle system. Yes, there are lots of things with the battle system that are skill-based...then there are things with the battle system that are NOT skill-based and are totally random. These totally random things piss me off.
Twice have I been screwed over by the stupid "THREE POISON MUSHROOMS!" roulette! And many times have I lost HP from random stuff falling from the stage for no damn reason with no damn warning! That stuff is just stupid, and can seriously screw you over (especially that three poison mushroom thing...I've only gotten one Game Over so far, and that was thanks to THAT! ><
Okay, now that the people who haven't played Paper Mario are confused, I'll move on to something else (c'mon, seriously, all 2 of you who read this blog have already played Paper Mario!).
Goombella pwns all. She is awesome.
I bet Super Paper Mario is just hanging out at GameXchange/Wal-Mart, just waiting for me, while I'm hanging out at my house, waiting for my money to buy Super Paper Mario.