My blog is weird...I think. Most people's blogs contain reflective thoughts of the owners. Some deep stuff and personal questions. My blog has random stuff I find cool and new layouts every day. There's no actual SUBSTANCE to my blog. Heh. Kinda funny
Perhaps I'm just not a deep person, or maybe I don't want to present myself as a deep person 'cause that complicates things. I prefer being simple. Simple is nice. Yet, many will probably not find "simple" attractive. Some could picture be a "mysterious" figure or something 'cause I keep to myself a lot. I don't know. There's no mystery to me, is there? I'm just awesome. That's about all there is to it.
But maybe I'll start putting some actual content here. Like some dark, brooding stuff, or queries on life and why we are here? Questioning our purpose and stuff...
Nah, I'd rather rant about stupid annoying things in video games.
If you want that moody BS, go back into the archives and read stuff from when I was a lamer.