Remember when I said I wouldn't finish Gears of War until the patch was released? Remember when I got tired of waiting, and not only beat Gears, but got all the cog tags and beat the game again on Insane? Yeah, well...
Epic (or Microsoft certification) has FINALLY released the patch that they promised us two months ago (or was it three? I don't remember). Now the game runs at a full (or rather letterboxed) 720p glory! 'course...the game was supposed to look like this since its release last year. -_- But yeah, it looks beautiful. I might play through it again now that it looks prettyfulmore.
Oh yeah, they added a new multiplayer gametype that DOESN'T suck. It's Annex, kinda like Domination from UT, or King of the Hill, whatever. It's awesome, though, 'cause you can actually RESPAWN. Too bad I lag so damn much in the game. >< Seriously, I fire my gun, and 3 seconds later, the shots come out. And, damn it, people can kill me in three seconds, while I have to shoot them for a minute to kill them. GAHHH!