Fact #1: GameFAQs is full of fanboys
Every game board on GameFAQs pisses me off thanks to all the fanboys and trolls. The only board that doesn't piss me off is LUE, because no new idiots can get it, it's always the same idiots, and these idiots are grown up and a bit more mature.
Seriously, though. I frequent the Wii board on GameFAQs, and I have no idea why. You have people there that insist every game for the Wii is a good game. And there's this stupid "GRAPHICS DON'T MATTER" mentality with the majority of users (fanboys) there. I'm no graphic whore, but to say they don't matter is stupid. Most of the users there will settle for "just enough", encouraging lazy developers. Me, I want the developers to work their asses off to excel in every single area they can when making a game. I don't want them working on the gameplay, then half-ass the graphics. That's stupid and lazy.
And the fanboys also do other stupid stuff, like defend friend codes. That right there is proof that these people are not sane.
Fact #2: YouTube is full of idiots
I was gonna put something else as number two, but I forgot what I was gonna put...but this is a good substitute.
Now, when I refer to YouTube idiots, I'm not talking about the millions of people who put up karaoke videos and AMVs or whatever (those are pretty lame, but they don't make them idiots). I'm talking about the people who view videos, and leave stupid-ass comments. I guarantee that the majority of discussed YouTube videos will feature at least one of these comments: "gay", "fuck you", "ghey", "u suck", "homo", "stupid."
And they'll also put stuff like, "Thanks for wasting a minute of my life I'll never get back." Yeah, 'cause you were forced to view the video, right? "That wasn't funny." OMG, yeah, I uploaded the video to entertain solely you! "Gay." Shut up.
Fact #3: Grammar and spelling is overrated. Reading comprehension is underated.
I'm getting tired of these annoying asses who dis on people for their spelling and grammar if the message is easy to understand. Like if someone asks "can sum 1 help me wit this gaem" It's obvious the guy is asking for help with a game, but some idiot will be like, "Learn to use a dictionary" and not even answer the guy's question. Or they'll be like, "I don't understand a word you're saying." Yeah, 'cause you're a dumbass who doesn't know how to read and think for yourself. People have to actually spell things out for you.
And also, people make typos. Someone will say, "Is Super Paepr Mario a good game?" Someone will replay with "I've never heard of Super Paepr Mario. Super Paper Mario is a good game, though." Ugh. -_-
Fact #4: GameFAQs doesn't live up to its name
Wow, I'm complaining a lot about GameFAQs, huh?
It's called "GameFAQs", right? How come users there don't understand the meaning of the name? Someone will ask a common question on a game's message board, and the first 5 replies will be something along the lines of: "People need to stop asking this question", "Use search.", "This has been asked 324823049823094 times", "Read the FAQ", "You just suck at the game."
Hello...It's called GameFAQs. Frequently Asked Questions!!! Of course people are going to ask questions frequently! And with all the time they spent coming up with some clever way to say, "Use the search feature", they could've answered the guy's question.
Also, "use search" isn't always a viable option. The search engine sucks at finding specific things. You just have to hope someone out there is exactly like you and makes a topic featuring the same words you would search for.
Fact #5: J.R. can't remember what he was originally going to put for Fact #2
Seriously, it's bugging me...