I've been sick for the past...multiple days, and I'm still sick. I'm not supposed to go to school for three days, yet I'll probably go tomorrow to take that stupid Government test.
But anyway, thanks to my illness, I decided to give in an play Gears of War without the yet-to-be-released VGA patch. And I ended up beating it. ^-^; On Hardcore, no less.
I had the hardest time beatin RAAM...'til I watched some video on YouTube, and then he was like...kinda easy, almost. 'course, on co-op, it probably would've been really easy, but I had to go through the whole game myself. >=[
Next thing is to get all the COG tags...maybe get better at online, though I'm not too fond of Counter-Strike-like "rounds." Then maybe try and beat the game on Insane...though that would be..insane.