Tuesday, February 27, 2007
10:44 PM

I just beat Elebits. God, the artwork in that game is orgasmic...but the voice acting is lame. Framerate sucks in the later levels, too. And, OMG, Level 27 is the most suck I've ever played on the Wii (and by most suck, I mean the most difficult). It was a bitch.

But I'm done with the game. Sure, I've still got all the challenge missions left to play, finding all the pink Elebits, unlocking all the special capture gun upgrades, and there's always making new levels and trading them online...but I honestly can't play much more of this game. The framerate...ugh, it's terrible in the outside levels. And the controls become frustrating when it's going so slow. I'm trading this game in tomorrow, along with Meteos, which I don't play anymore. Gah, my DS library is shrinking.
The Down has been Crack'd
5:22 PM

I just beat Crackdown. Very cool game...it'd be the best "sandbox" game ever...if only there were more stuff to do. I've still yet to try online co-op, and I've got a few achievements left to go. Also, the developers promise downloadable content...and there's that "somethin' 3" multiplayer beta that has yet to be released. Yeah, despite the fact that I've beaten the game, I'm not trading it in anytime soon.

My gamerscore is 1010 points now, I think. Way below Tori's score, but way above Dillon's :P. I'm also particularly proud of this Crackdown achievement of mine:

God, that took forever. Upgrading your driving skill is not fun.

But anyways, I think I might go back and play and finish Body Harvest. Crackdown reminded me a lot of that awesome game. They seriously need to make a sequel. >=[ THAT would be the best "sandbox" game!

I've got a few more levels of Elebits to go before I finish it, and after that, I'll be trading it in for a Wii points card so I can buy Splatterhouse when it comes out for the Virtual Console. Elebits is still cool, and I still love it...but I really don't feel like playing all those levels again. I'm still looking forward to Konami's next Wii game, Dewey's Adventure.
Friday, February 23, 2007
ZOMG, USB Keyboard!
4:01 PM

My USB keyboard finally arrived. So now I can use a real keyboard and mouse on my Macbook (and my sister's crappy Dell). I can also apparently use this on my 360...and hopefully when Unreal Tournament III comes out for the 360, I can use my keyboard and mouse on that game.

This keyboard is pretty weird, though. It's got one of those really big enter keys, and the backspace key is small, like the size of a regular key. But it's got a numberpad! Wooo!

Now, I just need to get my VGA-splitter, mini-DVI to VGA adapter, and a new MagSafe Poweradapter and I'm good for computer accessories...for now.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Soccer > Basketball?
7:28 PM

I think I might've screwed up my perfect prediction record in the Everybody Votes channel of the Wii. Up 'til now, I've been 100% accurate with my predictions. Then came today's new questions: Which do you watch more? Basketball or Soccer? I picked soccer, 'cause I've seen more soccer games than basketball games. But then it came to predict the winner. I picked Basketball...but then I remembered that Soccer has loads of fans, too...especially outside America. But then I remembered that this was only a national poll. But still...I dunno.
Cleanliness is next to coming up with a good title for this post
4:16 PM

I cleaned my room and re-arranged my gaming setup stuff...yeah...

Sunday, February 18, 2007
MySpace is so dumb...
8:53 PM

I don't log in to MySpace much anymore...which is why it took me so damn long to fix the comments on my MySpace profile. They work now, by the way, in case I didn't get the message through that I fixed it....'cause I fixed it...which means it's working now. I dunno, this blog just looks better with longer posts.
Wooo, updates.
8:30 PM

Obviously, I've been tinkering with the site layout again...

I think it's time I start blogging again. Maybe...

For the past many many days, I've been sick. Ill. I think I had the flu or something. It sucked, big time. I missed a lot of school. I missed a psychology test, so now I'm gonna have to take the make-up test, if I didn't already miss that. And I'm not exactly sure how or what to study. The make-up test is supposed to have "essay questions." -_- Damn it to hell.

I did go to school to take my Government test, but that's only 'cause I knew what to study, 'cause I didn't miss the class prior to the test in Government. The same could not be said for my Psychology class. Blaaahhhh.

I moved my sister's old Dell PC into my room. I also just ordered a VGA splitter and a USB keyboard, so I can go back to PCing stuff on my nice 17" LCD monitor. I've been stuck on this 13" Macbook screen for the longest time.

The Dell PC was a mess...I went about formatting the computer today and doing the usual: download Firefox, download avast, download Sygate Personal Firewall, update Windows ('cause it was an actual legal copy of XP :P).

Right now I'm listening to a TWiT (This Week in Tech) podcast (or "netcast", as Leo Laporte would like to call it).

Uhh...I'm still House crazy, if you guys didn't know. I've, for some reason just recently, been obsessed with House, M.D. I even got Dillon to buy me a walking cane (in exchange for wearing a damn Naruto headband or something silly like that). Anyways, it's all cool. Friday I went out into public with the cane. I felt neat. Just like House probably does...except without the pain in the leg. :D

Also on Friday, I went to see Ghost Rider with people. Wow...that was a stupid movie. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be very good. I'm not a fan of comic book movies, unless it's Batman. But, since this was a movie about a skeleton on fire that rides (but not ghost rides!) a flaming motorcycle, and he carries around a flaming chain, I was expecting some ass-kicking. Did that happen? No. All the Ghost Rider did was stare at people and he won. How lame. No fight scenes at all! It was boring as hell.

I guess I'll have to wait for the third Mortal Kombat movie for my flaming skeleton kick-assery (Scorpion, m i rite?).
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I present: Achiivements
2:00 PM

I like the Xbox 360 "achievements" so much, that it makes me sad to know that the Wii doesn't have them. So I made my own... unfortunately, I accidentally saved the PSD file as one layer, so I can't freely edit it anymore. =[ Damn it! All those hours of work almost wasted. I guess if I wanna make more achiivements, I'm gonna have to just edit this JPG. ><

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Gears of War? More like Cheers of VICTOLY!
12:04 AM

I've been sick for the past...multiple days, and I'm still sick. I'm not supposed to go to school for three days, yet I'll probably go tomorrow to take that stupid Government test.

But anyway, thanks to my illness, I decided to give in an play Gears of War without the yet-to-be-released VGA patch. And I ended up beating it. ^-^; On Hardcore, no less.

I had the hardest time beatin RAAM...'til I watched some video on YouTube, and then he was like...kinda easy, almost. 'course, on co-op, it probably would've been really easy, but I had to go through the whole game myself. >=[

Next thing is to get all the COG tags...maybe get better at online, though I'm not too fond of Counter-Strike-like "rounds." Then maybe try and beat the game on Insane...though that would be..insane.

Monday, February 05, 2007
Take that!
10:02 AM

K, I beat Phoenix Wright like...two days ago or something like that. GG.
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