I haven't updated this in a while. Reason: Wii. I've started playing video games again...hardcorely. Yes, I'm using that as an adverb.
Seriously, I started playing Twilight Princess today at around 4. I didn't stop until it was around 11. According to my play history recorded on my Wii message board, I had around 6 hours and 50 minutes logged in that day. WHOAMG, that's crazy. Before, I could play games like that all the time. Then after before, my attention span got shorter and I found myself bored with a game within an hour or two. Then..the Wii and Twilight Princess came into my life...
But seriously, I went through TWO dungeons today... And I was stuck in one dungeon for like..3 hours 'cause it had a really stupid puzzle where you had to backtrack through the whole dungeon while escorting an object, and I had to redo a few puzzles, then when I finally go to the boss door...OOPS! I didn't get the boss key! So I had to go BACK and redo some more puzzles to get the damn key. -_-
But yeah, I've finished 6 dungeons now. Wooooo. This game is awesome.
Oh yeah, I also discovered I suck at UT now, 'cause I tried playing again today and kept getting owned online. =[ But I'm sure I could still own most Paris people at the game. >_>