I'm playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Master Quest right now. Man, I forgot how awesome Zelda 64 was! I kinda regret selling my gold cartridge now... Oh well, I still have it on this disc I received for pre-ordering Wind Waker...
Speaking of Wind Waker, after replaying OOT, I now know why I'm not all that fond of Wind Waker. Well, I've known this all along, but now it makes more sense. I hated the sailing in Wind Waker. After playing OOT, it was the lack of "freedom" that made sailing so boring. In Wind Waker, you could only sail in the direction that the wind was blowing. Sure, you could change that direction, but you had to conduct that song everytime you wanted to do it. You couldn't really "explore" the ocean...mainly 'cause there wasn't much to explore but some islands and rupees. You couldn't see your destination in the distance unless you've been sailing for 5 minutes... It didn't feel very exciting when everything around you was just the same-looking water. It just didn't feel as epic or adventurous as traveling Hyrule or Termina field... The world also seemed smaller and disconnected due to all the islands and oceans.
But yeah, I'm playing OOT: Master Quest right now. Maybe I'll finish Wind Waker after OOT. By then, I'm sure I'll have the Wii and Twilight Princess in my hands. :D