If you try and practice in single player mode, you'll meet frustration, because the song immediately ends if you miss too many notes. Sure, if you wanna practice just a song, then it makes sense to master one part before you move onto the next, and this is kinda like that, 'cause it won't let you go to the next part until you can pass the first part...but then you have to play the whole song from the beginning until you get to the part of the song you really wanna practice, and then you fail and have to start the whole song over again. And this is also a HORRIBLE way to practice the advanced techniques (hammer-ons and pull-offs) because you can only use those at certain times.
The best way I found to practice was, believe it or not, multiplayer mode. Songs in multiplayer mode allow you to miss as many notes as you want without ending the song, but it's still not that great, since you don't get certain parts of a song (you and a second player are supposed to play different parts of a song).
However, they're actually adding a practice mode to Guitar Hero II, that allows you to play and practice certain parts of songs, and they're also "tweaking" the timing for hammer-ons and pull-offs. But...that's Guitar Hero II, and not Guitar Hero I, which I have. LAME that I have to wait for the sequel to practice for the first game, and even then, the timing will be different than in the first game, so I might as well not play the first game ever again, right?
Damn it.
Labels: Guitar Hero