Pirates are awesome. They've got the awesome lingo "Ahoy! Arr! Avast!", they've got the awesome threads (long, stylish coats, cool hats), and they do awesome things (like burn ships and steal gold and bury it under ground)! Hooks for hands and eyepatches are also badass. A lot of 'em have cool beards and stuff, too.
Examples of awesome pirates: Maddox, Cervantes de Leon, Captain Hook, Jack Sparrow, me...the list goes on.
Pirates aren't perfect, though. There are a few things I don't particulary enjoy about pirates. Mainly, it would be the practice of rape. I've never been a fan of rape...I'll never advocate such a vile act, but that's what pirates did, sadly. I'm not gonna be totally biased and ignore or suddenly support such a thing.
Pirates are also the natural enemies of ninjas. This puts me in another predicament. I tend to think that ninjas are also very cool creatures, yet because of their rivaly with pirates, I'm forced to choose between the two. I'll have to go with pirates because I prefer their style (aside from the rape thing). Don't get me wrong, though. Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Batman are still very cool.