Well, I've been bored all day. I slept until 2 PM. Geh. I haven't really done much since then.
I'm trying to clean up my PC. This includes running all the necessary scans (anti-virus, anti-spyware, and the like) and defragging. Boring stuff. Man, it's hot in my room. I'm moving into the living room.
Okay, I'm in the living room. Hey, Home Alone 2 is on ABC Family...why? It's not Christmas yet. Maybe they're airing it for me, 'cause I'm home alone, and I have nothing to do.
I've felt a bit depressed these last couple of days. Why? I dunno. Shut up.
I need money. I want a job, but I don't wanna work fast food. I wanna look for a job, but...well, I'm not gonna annoy you with more excuses, so whatever.
Speaking of excuses: