Encoding the episodes took forever. I had to leave it encoding overnight for it to finish. I also took the time to make a custom DVD menu. I even burned a few test DVDs to see if it actually worked. I put a lot of work into the DVD.
I planned to give Kara her little gift at municipal band practice today. She arrived late, but I thought I'd be patient for a change. You know, give it to her after practice. However, Kara and Jessica left rehearsal before it actually ended! Bah! So, to say the least, I was disappointed. No eyes lighting up and no hugs. Whatever. Maybe I'll give it to her tomorrow...or I'll probably miss my chance there, too. Pshh.
Oh yeah, they also missed out on their chance to get their Hello Panda. Yeah, Jess, if you're reading this: Sorry!! :P
I hate my Internet connection. It is so slow! I did an Internet test today and look:

It's a bit slower than cable is supposed to be, huh? Damn it! WTF is wrong with my connection! Even the Temoporals have a MUCH faster connection than me. Gahh, I hate this. I hate it so much. I swear, there is a problem here. I don't think it's supposed to be like this!