Hastings sucks. Yeah, I've said this before, but I'm saying it again, 'cause I've had another bad experience with them.
On Monday, I went to Hastings to rent some movies that I really wanted to see, but never go to. However, I just ended up renting Pirates of the Caribbean. I had seen the movie before, but I forgot everything that happened in it, probably because I wasn't paying attention or something. I don't know. Anyway, I rented it. I read on one of those little card things they have on the racks that DVDs were $1.99. Two dollars sounds like a fair price for a DVD rental. Then I find out it's 4 dollars. So I rented Pirates of the Caribbean on DVD from Hastings. I finally decide to watch it today. I put it in my PS2 (which I had to pick up from Keith and Ariel's house), and watch a bit of it. I'm into the third chapter of the movie, then the PS2 starts to have trouble reading the disc, and I eventually meet the dreaded "Disc Read Error" screen. Well ****. I thought that myabe it was just the PS2 acting up, becuase, hey, it's the PS2. I take the disc out and I see that the disc has a bunch of scratches on it. Bah.
So I reluctantly try to finish the movie on my Macbook. All's going well so far. I get to maybe the 10th chapter. UH OH! DISC ERROR MANIA! -_- I take the disc out, then realize that on the front of the disc, it's labeled "DISC 1." ...that means there's a DISC 2...AND I DIDN'T GET IT. When I rented it, it only came with one disc. Well ****, again. I was gypped.
So here I go again. I move the disc to my PC's DVD drive. I get to the chapter it started messing up with, and it just freezes my Media Player program. Gahh! In one last ditch effort, I try to rip the DVD onto my hard drive. Unsurprisingly, the process fails in the middle. This is a bunch of crap!
I'm gonna get Jessica and ask her to come with me so I can complain and get a free rental. Until then, I'm gonna do what I should've done in the first place: DOWNLOAD THE FRIGGIN' MOVIE.
In the mean time, I'm gonna mention the Pirates of the Caribbean is a good movie so far. I'm looking forward to watching the sequel, with Captain Cthulu.