Anyway, this is my first blog entry since my graduation from high school! And it's also the first entry I'm typing on my MacBook! I'd seriously be posting some pictures of it here...but unfortunately, my digital camera sucks and is out of batteries (it runs on Double A's, which is why it sucks). Maybe I'll buy a new camera with my graduation money.

F12: My MacBook's Dashboard!
Okay, I graduated two days ago, on June 2nd? Hmm, I'm not sure day it was. Let's just press F12 on my MacBook keyboard aaaand...yep! It was the second!Rehearsal was around 10 AM that morning. I had stayed the night at Keith and Ariel's the previous night, and when I stay there, I usually wake up really early. It was like...8 o'clock when I got up. I didn't even bother taking a shower because I was gonna get hot and sweaty anyway...I even continued to wear my Zelda jacket in the heat. Actually, it wasn't that hot, until I sat down. That's when it got uncomfortable. Rehearsal went along pretty smoothly.
Afterwards, I got my 1400 dollar haircut. Ugh...I really don't like it, but everyone else seems to. Bah. However, it'll grow back.
When I got back home, I checked the order status on my MacBook online. In big bold letters it said, "Delivered." I apparently had missed the huge cardboard box on the way to my room. I proceeded to excitedly unbox my lovely notebook computer and all was happy and well. I later went to Keith and Ariel's again to test out the wireless capabilites and get the hang of OSX.
Man, OSX is crazy as a moose. It's similar to Windows, but very different. At first, I was really disappointed. When I figured out I couldn't maximize a Window, I was like, "WTF? This sucks. I should've gotten a Windows notebook instead!" And then I had a crapload of trouble trying to find out how to install and uninstall applications. It's kinda funny how the process was so simple (all you have to do is download an app and run it to "install", and if you wanna uninstall, just delete the application!) Since I'm so used to Windows being a hassle to install and uninstall, I was expecting another hassle with OSX. However, I eventually got used to it, and all the really neat features of a Mac have really grown on me! And it just looks sexy! The GUI is really awesome, and well-animated. This is like the future of OS GUI's...I hear Vista is incorporating some of these animated elements. Just shows how awesome OSX is. I'm still learning, too.
Anyways, fast-forward to 7:30 PM. That's when I had to get to graduation. Graduation was a pretty memorable event. It was pretty cool, you know. I smiled on impulse when my name was called. That's odd. However, I didn't like the informality of the event. Mr. Preston constantly emphasized that the event would be very formal, unlike a lot of high school events. However, even after he made the announcement to the friends and families among the audience to "save your applause 'til all graduates have been called", after the first name was called, you heard loads of hoot and hollers. OMG, that ruined everything. It all went downhill from there. It got to the point that people were using air horns (or whatever those things were called). It was pretty much a football game without the actual game. It was so stupid, and IMO, disrespectful. It probably felt horrible/embarassing to NOT get loud cheers with the calling of your name. It should've been the other way around. was like Texas Scholars all over again.
After that, I looked for my parents, after being "kidnapped" by a certain person. Ugh, that person annoys me to no end. She just wouldn't let go of me and insisted she guide me to my parents like a child. She had a strong grip, too. I eventually ditched her when she wasn't looking and easily found my parents by myself. I chatted with a few friends afterwards, then went home to get ready for Project Graduation.
I'll talk about that in a later entry...and hopefully I won't continue to procrastinate like I've been doing with Memphis: Day 1 and 2.