Ughh..this really pisses me off! My sisters keep eating all of MY food! Yesterday, I was hungry, so I bought some ice cream. One day later, when I come home from band, looking forward to having a bowl of Cookies 'n' Cream, I look in the freezer to find that it's GONE. I look in the other two freezers, and it's still nowhere to be found! I ask Sabrina if she ate it all. She says yes... ALSDKFjadkslfjlkwj l;awkjf!!ljasflk I BOUGHT THAT FSCKING ICE CREAM WITH MY OWN MONEY, yet I only get to eat one cone of it?! UGH! This pisses me off! They also ate a burger that was supposed to be saved for me while I was gone. Also, the meal (chicken fries) that I had left over from Burger King? That was gone, too. THEY FSCKING ATE ALL MY FOOD! They always do that crap! And my mom keeps telling me to share food with them. This is exactly the reason I don't share with them, because they end up eating all of it. -_-