What I don't get is that no one's questioning where Clark Kent is. He didn't show up to Superman's funeral, but his family did, and so did Lois. Supergirl didn't show up, but Kara did. Wouldn't people be suspicious? A bunch of other heroes showed up for the funeral, too.
Gahahhaa! The "fight" between Lobo and Kalibak is hilarious. Lobo throws a car at Kalibak. Kalibak lifts the car up and approaches Lobo, telling him "I'm going to grind you into paste!" Lobo responds, "Big talk for a dead man." Kalibak retorts, "I'm not dead yet!" Lobo: "You're right. My watch is 10 seconds fast." He then proceeds to pick up two cars and make a Kalibak sandwich with them. Then it cuts to the other Justice League members fighting a bunch of other badguys (The Flash taking out Livewire is especially awesome). Then it cuts back to Kalibak and Lobo. Actually, you only see Lobo and a huge pile of cars. Then you see Kalibak under the cars, Lobo taunting him, saying, "Saaay iiit!" Kalibak responds, "...uncle..." Lobo picks up another car, but Hawk Girl stops him from continuing the pile and tells him to put the car down. Lobo then tosses the car backwards into a building, saying "I was gonna..."
Now Superman is on some planet with a red sun (which means no powers) so he's driving a car and he's got a beard, and he has a sword, and now he's being attacked by dogs. This is awesome.
Holy moose, Superman just kicked the dog pack leader's ass and he now wears the dog's skins as he uses the other dogs as sled dogs. Now Superman looks like some kickass pirate/barbarian. Much cooler than his normal costume. And remember, HE DOESN'T HAVE HIS POWERS.
Uh-oh, he's just discovered a destroyed Justice League Watch Tower. What's goin' on, dudes? Now some dude came out of nowhere (I guess he's a hobo living in the Watch Tower) and he says everyone died 1000 years ago. Sound familiar? THE PATRIOTS!? Okay, apparently the hobo is someone, afterall. I have no idea who it is, but Superman says he tried to take over the world...and he emphasizes twice.
Whelp, the world is dead. Wee. Only the hobo and Superman are left (as far as humans are concerned). No Lobo. No Batman. =[
"I've got issues, with me destroying the earth and all." LOLZ, the hobo is hilarious. Okay, the hobo's name is "Savage" (Randy?) and he has a time machine. Superman just called him "Mr. Wizard." WTF? He's the Macho Man!! Now they're fixing the time machine and riding dragonflies...wait, WTF? Now they're gonna go fight roaches. Holy crap, they're huge. They ate the dragonflies. =[
Superman just fell into a pit with the power cell. O I C, the power cell restored Superman's powers. Yayz. Now Superman can go back in time. Yep. Good times.
Yay! More Lobo! "LOLZ, I went to teh future and me and Randy Savage fought some giant cockroaches!" ROFL. ...Lobo's fired. =[ *cries*
Lobo: "Don't bother asking the Main Man again!" Martian Manhunter: "We didn't ask in the first place!"
Woo, that was a great episode. Now BATMAN BEYOND is coming up! WOOO!