A bunch of people died at school today. I'm serious. There was this huge, horrible wreck involving two (or even three) vehicles, and one girl died in it, along with a bunch of other people that died in class. It was sad...in more ways than one.
Yes, this was the "mock crash." Apparently, every other year at Paris High school, they have this huge, elaborate anti-drunk driving campaign in the form of a faked car accident and the removal of students from class every 15 minutes, symbolizing that every 15 minutes drunk driving claims another grave. Deep stuff, I suppose. I can understand this actually putting people into very emotional states about drunk driving if they don't already see the dangers of drinking and driving. But most people think its lame. Eh, I dunno. I think it's a fair effort in spreading a meaningful word.
The actual crash was meh. This was probably the least convincing part of the campaign if you like to be overly observant. The girl supposedly flew from the passenger seat of one car and onto the hood of another...but the whole in the windshield was on the driver's side. Heh. That's kinda odd. I suppose there are a few situations where this outcome with the exact scenario could come about in real life, but it's still really odd. I really couldn't see much during the act. All I could really see were heads, a tree, and a pole. Seriously, from every angle I tried to view the wreck, it was blocked by something. I could hear Natalie's mother wailing. I guess she did a good job acting. I'm not sure how a real mother would react to the site of her daughter's lifeless body lying on the hood of a totaled car, but I'm guessing it'd be that of hysterical, and she sounded like it.
I think I could've done a better job acting, though. Aidan, the dude who was supposedly driving drunk, and the only concious victim of the wreck, was basically like, "Natalie? Natalie! NATALIEEEE!!" I half-expected the Metal Gear game over theme to play as he screamed this. Maybe he could've even fit in a Darth Vader "Noooooooooooo!" Seriously, I would've done a much better job...as long as they'd allow me to. If I were in such a situation, I'd be cursing up a storm. I'd be like, "Oh my God...no...What the hell? WHAT THE F*CK!?!?! GOD DAMN IT! NO!!" and I'd punch start punching the vehicle or the pavement or something and start crying: emotional breakdown and crap. I mean, being responsible for a person's death requires a larger reaction than "Natalie!" Yeah. I think I would've done better. >=[
There was also a helicopter.
At the end of the day, there was a funeral for Natalie. That was probably the best part about the campaign. That was pretty sad and emotional. It started off with a poem about drinking and driving and stuff. And then a letter from Natalie to her parents that she would've written while lying on the hood of that car, under the tarp (damn, that must've been uncomfortable). Yeah, sounds kinda silly, but it was pretty good...though I was kinda angered at how it made it seem like it was ALL Aidan's fault. The letter said crap like, "He's the one that drunk and drive! Why did I die? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO MEEEE!" Well, forgive me if this is a bit rude, but I think it's kinda Natalie's fault as well. I mean, she chose to get in the car with a drunk driver. She wasn't like, "OMG! NOES! NO DRIVING, PUNK! LET ME DRIVE, MOFO! YOU DRUNK AS HELL, DUDE! EFF J00!" She was like, "Okie dokies. Let's goo! WOOO!" Then...BAM. Death. Other than that silly thing, it was pretty cool (not that I'd actually say that about a real funeral... >_>).
So, don't drink and drive kids. Hell, don't drink at all. The message at the funeral at the beginning was "Don't drink until you're 21." WTF? Don't drink EVER. The only reason that people drink is to get drunk and damage their bodies and spirit. That's messed up. Don't deal with that crap. Alcohol is friggin' dumb. It's overated and highly uncessary (at least when it comes to getting drunk). If you have to rely on a drunken stupor for fun, well, I guess you're a pretty boring person. Maybe even pathetic.
A'ight, I don't think I'll ever talk about Memphis: Day 2 and 3. At least, I won't unless someone actually asks me too. Then I'll know that someone cares and I'll feel better about doing it. Otherwise, you guys ain't getting shiz.