Sure, I've got an affinity for the likes of Vin Diesel, Tom Cruise, and Rick Moranis, but that's 'cause I aspire to be like them! They are my heroes (except for maybe Tom Cruise. He's a loser...a really hot-lookin' loser)! My homosexual-esque acts are for one purpose only: attention. Yes, I admit that I'm a slight attention whore, but aren't we all? I want to be a fun guy. I want entertain people. However, I fear that my less-than heterosexual behaviour might scare off a few potential mates. Seriously, Kara has been inclined to think I'm gay. Jessica even thought I was gay while I was dating her! I'm not gay, damn it! I love girls! If anything, I'm a lesbian!
So, yeah. I'm not gay. Cam Clarke is gay, though. He's cool. See, I've got nothing against gay people (except maybe lesbians, 'cause that means less girls for me). I'm a heterosexual.