Yesterday was the Band Banquet. They have one of these every year in high school to celebrate the band-related accomplishments of the year and the senior band members who have stuck with the program for so long.
The one last night was the only one I've attended. Of course, as a senior, I was an honored guest. It was pretty interesting. It was nice that I actuallly got some recognition for something. I got some award/prize for looking like Elvis (eventhough I don't think I look at all like him). I also got a 20-dollar gift card for Hastings. section of the senior PowerPoint presentation had the most pictures. It was neat. I was hopped up off caffeine prior to the events. I was hyper. Nick thought I was doing "something else." ^-^;
Then after that was the, uh...after party. I was still caffeinated and ready to party, but when the actual party began, I met my arch enemy: dancing to hip hop music. >< Ughhh, I can't do that. I just feel like a moron, and I am a moron, because I shouldn't be afraid of looking like an idiot. Everyone else looks like an idiot, too! I should be afraid of NOT looking like an idiot. Yeah, I was a loser. I hardly danced. There was one point where I went crazy and hopped around and stuff and pull a Ric Flair ("Wooooooooooo!"). But, other than that, yep...boring. I did get to see Heath's motorized bicycle, though. I got to hang with Natalie..for some short period of time. I technically danced with her. She suggested I continue the party at my house. Man, that would've been so awesome if I could. BUT NOOOOO, I couldn't, 'cause that's not right and a parental was at home. Boooo.
So I left the party, still a bit hyper and I REQUIRED more socialization. So I called Kara. Bah, she's talking to her boyfriend. I called Jessica. Bah, she comes up with some excuse to leave the conversation. I call Keith. Nooo, he doesn't answer (though he calls back later, but I'm not at the phone at that point).
Then I went to sleep. It was around 11 PM when I did this. I woke up again at 4 AM. Maybe it was the caffeine that was still in my system, but I just couldn't go back to sleep. I couldn't help but grind my teeth at angry thoughts of crap like the stupid prom. I was too frustrated and angered to go back to sleep. So I stayed up doing something. I forget what exactly. I think I was watching cartoons...
Then I woke up again at 11 AM...then I went back to sleep. Then my mom woke me up at 2 PM to take my medicine. Then I woke up again at 4 PM. My day today was horribly boring. The Internet was down! I had nothing to do! It was really really hot in my room! I couldn't stand being in it (it still is hot). So I set up my Gamecube in my parents room and unlocked a few more characters in Smash Bros. Melee. Then after that, I was bored again. I had nothing to do with the Internet down...
I've come to another realization that I am in need of the following things: a more exciting hobby, a girlfriend, a job. Meeting these objectives will allow me to live an easier, more fulfilling, and less boring life. Let's get to work on that, 'kay? I'm thinking about motocross as a hobby. Wait, no, that's expensive, complicated, and dangerous. Bah, I'll think of something. I kinda want a motorcycle, though.