Ugh...the prom: such a controversial least when it comes to me.
I've asked Jessica a couple of times to go with me. The first time she was like, "Maybe." Then later it was, "Nooooo, I'm going with my boyfriend!" Well, now guess what...she's not going with her boyfriend! When I discover this, I'm like, "Yes! Now's my chance!" but then I'm a little surprised to see her acting like I never asked her, being all like, "Noooo! I don't have anyone to go with now!"'s not like I offered to go with her, right? Err, wait...
So, anyway I confronted her about that. I again offered to take her to the prom. Then she hit me...and it hurt. No, she didn't physically hit me. She said, "No offense...but it'd be creepy."
WTF?! "Creepy"!? How would it be creepy!? I asked her that very same thing, and she replied, "I dunno, it just would be." -_- Typical. Now she's no longer calling it "creepy" but "weird." She won't tell me why she won't go with me! C'mon, tell would it be "weird" or "creepy" that I be her prom date this year?
It's not fair, y'know. She went with Zac two years ago, for crying out loud! ZAC! I'd be a much better date than Zac! But nooo, she gives him a chance but not me. Makes lots of sense, huh? If anything, going with Zac is creepy!
I honestly can't really think of a real reason why it'd be "weird" for us to go to the prom together. Sure, we used to date, but that was two years ago. She's had loads of time to get over it, and she even has another boyfriend to boot!
Wishful and fantastic thinking makes me wanna say that she's afraid to go to the prom with me because she fears that she'll fall for me again. ^-^ That wouldn't be bad, in my opinion, but... Yeah, that's probably not it.
So I've been depressed for most of today now. People are telling me to ask someone else. To be honest, I don't want to go unless I go with Jessica. That's just the way I want it. If I go, it has to be PERFECT. Otherwise, I'm not going.
On another note, I've had "Devils Never Cry" from the Devil May Cry 3 soundtrack stuck in my head all day. It's a good song...but I'm afraid if I listen to it too much, it won't be fun to listen to anymore...