Crap. I just remembered that there's a Calculus test tomorrow. Currently, I'm failing that class with a 20. I hate integrals with a passion. I just don't friggin' get them! And that's ALL we're doing this semester, apparently. Like this week, we've been doing "Trigonometric Substitution." I understand that perfectly! ...until it comes to integrating them. That's when I get lost.
It's not that I'm lazy. No. I really do try to figure this stuff out! I am trying to learn! You should see my notes. I try to take notes that make sense. I try to organize them and make them easy to follow...but the lessons just go by so fast! Everyone else gets the stuff, but I don't! When Mrs. Waldrum is working on a problem on the board, she's explaining while I'm just writing. I'm not learning, I'm writing. Everyone goes so fast that I don't have time to actually comprehend the meaning behind the numbers and symbols. By the time I'm done writing everything down, it's all a mess on the paper that doesn't make sense, and the words of explanation make even less sense!
I don't know what I'm going to do...
I remember the good old Math days, when I didn't do my homework because of lazines. Now I don't do my homework because I don't know how!!
This is one of those situations when I'd like to have a nice, pretty, single female tutor who falls in love with me (like Narusegawa...'cept she's mean and not in love with me).