Yes, Dillon and I somehow walked through a time warp a little beyond the electronics section of Wal-Mart. We first noticed our presence in the future when we discovered a futuristic metallic counter. We actually weren't really aware of our time traveling at that time. We just suspected it. We discussed how if it were the future, we'd see people moving around in mobile carriers, and right at that moment, we witnessed a man riding a towering machine through the hunting section. That's when we knew it. We were in THE FUTURE! We were amazed at how different the future was. There were all these odd tools and towel-holding bars. The refrigeration units in the grocery area of future Wal-Mart were very awe-inspiring. The sleek black and sliver color scheme certainly met out expectation of future...color schemes. We also encountered a cyborg. A man who possessed some sort of super-hearing with a futuristic device clipped to his hear. And then there was the omniguy: part man, part machine, part man again. That was an impressive sight!
And as proof of our adventures in time, here is the receipt from a purchase at that date:

Do you see the date!? It was the year 76563134533045816355. Right above the bar code!
However, once we left Wal-Mart, we traveled back to the present. Man, that was kickass.
After that, I got a McFlurry at McDonald's and we went to Heath's house to watch him play Kingdom Hearts 2.
We also finished our Economics project! ...for the most part. We still need a "certificate of ownership", which Josh was supposed to do, but...he hasn't been online in a while.